Support For The Elderly


Your gift will ensure that we can continue to provide companionship, advice and support to older people within the community.

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Get Involved

Would you like to make a difference for older people in your community? Find out about volunteering for AgeTrust.

Our Mission
Our Mission

AgeTrust is a small charity that facilitates grassroots, the voluntary and the community sector to work together to get better results for older people’s health.

Our Current Project:

Men in Sheds & Befriending Services

AgeTrust are currently delivering a structured volunteer befriending.

Men’s Sheds Association UK – set up a shed with them (our nursery being a venue) and invite people to take part in projects on the weekends. The participants then make things for the nursery often, taking comfort in the fact they’re making a difference.

Befriending service – we offer the nursery as a venue for people who have met through the service to gather and potentially for projects and activities. Age UK have a befriending service, with the option of telephone or face-to-face meetings.

We are establishing weekly or fortnightly meeting between a group, in order to make a real difference in the community. It could be a safe space for anyone of any age and background to come and make new friends, take part in different activities and just have fun. There are mostly telephone based befriending services locally, so this could be a great opportunity to get people out of the house.

The goal is to benefit severely lonely residents of care homes based within local communities.

Befriending is often associated with the elderly and supporting the elderly based within their own homes.

Befriending is done through a combination of telephone and face to face visits which promote users independence and increases their likelihood of them re-entering the community independently or with volunteer support.

Our Past Projects

Browse just a few of the many projects we have launched!